Friday, 3 July 2015

Letter to me (one day from now)

Dear me, 
Being a day older, I hope that you are a day wiser. I hope that you had a good night's rest and if possible no dreams (when you sleep) at all. Dreams are tiring aren't they? If they are bad dreams, the feeling (whether of fear, hate or anger) lingers on for about an hour or two. 

If they are neutral, you just feel tired. It just feels like you're living a couple of lives. Maybe it's an alternate universe you're living in! Every time you fall asleep you get sucked into another universe. Another body. A different you. Hmm.. Good plot line. Maybe this will be my next story to write 😁 

As for the nice ones which rarely comes, you'll feel happy the entire day. Hmm.. Lucky thing the bad ones do not last as long. Or maybe it's just one of the properties of these emotions, some you want to retain longer so you keep dwelling in it instead of the other. 

I hope that you can get through the day without any grudges or anger. I know that you have a lot of anger deep inside you. You feel everything around you which makes you more sensitive. You tend to get hurt easily too because of this. Which then leads to anger at others for hurting you. Try to understand a little more that it is not their fault. It is not yours too. But you can do something to correct it: by letting it go. Don't hold onto it. 

That's all for now.

Good night. 


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