Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Addition to Beauty now vs Then

I read this article from Tofugu (The Reason I Don't Want To Dye My Hair Black Again) and it was sort of eye opening on how girls perceive beauty in different cultures.

Some want beauty, some don't. The definition of beauty is so wide it seems.

But I guess those girls are right. If you want people to stop molesting you, it's a good idea to be the exact opposite of those they usually attack. The idea of girls being molested is just ridiculous. I guess if I am in a bad mood, I would scream at the guy who did it. Based on my understanding, the molesting usually take place in crowded trains (if I am not mistaken).

Who knew that girls put on that much make up just to scare off molesters. I thought it was just a fad. (Referring to Yamanba-make up)
Picture from

So beauty 'Yay' or 'Nay'? In the case where you are threatened or in anyway made uncomfortable, then beauty would not be a thing you would want or even consider to have. If not, then I guess most girls would want beauty.

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